Baggage Fees
Baggage Fees
Baggage Allowance
Each passenger is allowed to bring up to 2 bags without paying a baggage fee. Those bags must be:
- A small personal bag, not a carry-on with wheels, such as handbag or computer bag which can be put on overhead compartment. Due to the overhead compartment is very small if your personal bag does not fit, you have to put it on your lap. It must not bother a passenger next to you.
- A bag or suitcase with maximum weight of 20 kg. It will be placed in a baggage compartment under the coach.
If any bag is bigger or heavier than the bags mentioned above, there will be a baggage fee applied as outlined in the baggage fee below.
Item | Weight (kilogram) | Fee (Baht) |
Bag | less than 20 kg. | 20 |
Bag | 21-30 kg. | 50 |
Bag, Golf bag (regular size) | 31-50 kg. | 100 |
Baby Stroller | Small size | 50 |
Baby Stroller | Big size | 100 |
Bag | 51-80 kg. | 150 |
Bag, Bicycle, Golf bag (big size), TV set | 81-100 kg. | 200 |
Surfboard | 300 |
Baggage Terms & Conditions
- All items must be folded and properly packed in a box or bag in order to avoid any damage during your journey.
- The baggage fees cover transportation costs only and do not include baggage insurance in case of damage or lost. We advise that passenger purchases appropriate insurances to protect your baggage from any mishaps that may occur.
- For every fee payment, we will provide a receipt and a tag for your bag. If any of our staff or team members fails to do so, you may send your complaints to
- If any passenger fails to pay the fee for extra bag or oversize/overweight bag, we reserve the right to not bring that luggage on board.
- All baggage must be clearly labeled with the owner's name and destination address.
- Bell Travel Service advises that the following items not be included in baggage. They should be carried and kept with you at all time. We will not accept any liabilities for damages or loss of these items:
• Cash and/or cash equivalent;
• Jewelry, antiques or similar valuable items;
• Any fragile items (e.g. glassware);
• Electrical or electronic components (e.g. camera, mobile phone, laptop). - Our Bell Travel Service staff will offer to help customers carry and lift their baggage up and down our vehicle and they will do their best to handle all baggage with the best possible care. If you are afraid that harm will be done to your baggage, please inform our staff not to help with the baggage. All bags may be piled on top of each other in the compartment as we have limited space for baggage. Therefore, the customer’s baggage is carried entirely at their own risk and Bell Travel Service accepts no responsibility for any losses and/or damages. The customer is therefore advised to carry travel insurance to insure their property.